About The Broiler School

I'm Meghan, and so excited you're here and interested in The Broiler School!

Why The Broiler School

You've found online information about rearing meat chickens, but it's scattered, confusing, and doesn't consider a beginner's perspective. By the time you've completed The Broiler School, you will have all of the practical knowledge to raise and process your own meat birds. There won't be any doubt in your mind that you, too, can raise meat to nourish your family.

Highest Quality Farm Meat

There is no greater quality chicken out there than the chicken that comes from your own home.

Even the nicest chicken from stores doesn't compare to the juicy and flavorful chicken you will produce. If you want to get close, you'll end up paying a premium, up to $10/pound for a comparable grocer chicken.

Controlling exactly what goes into your own chickens and how they are raised will give you the peace of mind to trust the meat from your own process instead of having to rely on labels and grocers.


"Because of Meghan's helpful step-by-step explanation and recommendations, my family's first time processing meat birds was smooth and stress free! She offers wisdom gained from her own research and her family's experiences. Because of that, I knew I could trust her guidance for my own family.

When anything seemed unclear, Meghan was quick to answer any questions. From her advice, I jotted down notes and even took the notes with me to process birds! Even though we were "first timers", I new I could be confident in my actions after Meghan's assurance."

Stan & Karen:

"I watched Meghan's videos of her butchering chickens to get me through our first solo run of meat birds and they were a life saver. Her videos made it so easy and without them, I would've made a major mess of things!"


"I'm so glad I came scores Meghan's videos on how to process her chickens because it contained so many useful tips! Each step was explained clearly, and it gave me the confidence to try something new on my own processing day."

Take control of your food source

In today's day and age, we can't rely 100% on the grocery stores to provide us with food. Over the past several years, there have been numerous instances when the shelves have gone bare across the country.

There are not many greater securities in this life than food security. Being able to fill your freezer with high quality meat that you raised yourself will not only support a growing family, but also give you the security of relying more on yourself and less on others.

Opening up my freezer and seeing it lined with meat that is all ours makes me proud and assured that no matter what is going on out there, we will be alright at home.

Example Curriculum

Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Preparing for Meat Chickens
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Raising Meat Chickens
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Processing Meat Chickens
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Post-Processing: Preservation & Eating Nose-to-Tail
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week by Week Video Diary
Available in days
days after you enroll

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Hi, I'm Meghan

I have raised and processed hundred of chickens over the years and have gathered all of the information from myself and others into one comprehensive course. I've taught numerous aspiring homesteaders (and others) how to successfully raise their own chicken to feed their families. Once they've tasted their own farm raised meat, they never go back too store bought!

I want to give you the confidence to know where your meat is coming from and exactly what goes into it. You will be empowered through this course to take control of your own food source!